Movie Star’s Identity Remains a Mystery 60 Years Later

The beautiful star of “Behind Every Good Man” was luminous in the film, but when the credits rolled, she was unnamed.

Revealing her identity in the credits in 1967 would have exposed her as a trans woman to anti-trans laws and violence from police. The film is a special piece, maybe more mysterious because no one yet knows who the star is.

@sexworkhistory on Instagram is looking for more about her, so maybe one day we will have an update. Read on for more on this from them after the film.


The Short Film – Press Play Below

Behind Every Good Man – 1967

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From @sexworkhistory:⁣

“So far, no one seems to know the name of the talented Black trans star of “Behind Every Good Man.” But this previously forgotten pre-Stonewall film star broke serious ground when her film was released in 1967. Rather than pandering to Hollywood or scholarly stereotypes about Black trans women, the star of this recently re-released film talks about her own dreams, identity, and pursuit of happiness in LA in the 1960s.⁣

But this star is left unnamed in the credits. Why? Noah Tiska writes that it was probably to protect her from racist police who enforced anti-trans “masquerading” laws in the 1960s, often with violence. But this star’s performance and voice in the film still openly challenged the racism and transphobia of her time. From shopping for clothes to missing the bus, Tiska writes that she took a front seat in the telling of her own story and offers us a rare window into everyday Black trans history.⁣

Any LA people know this street? Or older community members that might remember her?”⁣

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